Panel Discussion 1: Navigating the Spaghetti Bowl of Origin: The African Experience in the International Context

8 Nov 2023 10:45 12:15
Mette Werdelin Azzam Speaker World Customs Organization
Willie Shumba Speaker AfCFTA
Michael Lawrence Speaker National Clothing Retail Federation
N'dri Yves Roland Tia Speaker DOUANES DE CÔTE D'IVOIRE
Sebastian Agustino Macias Speaker DG TAXUD / European Commission
Gabriela Landeros Speaker Servicio Nacional de Aduanas

This session will discuss the challenges of navigating the rules of origin under several trade agreements and how to streamline the implementation and application of rules of origin in this context. The AfCFTA, being the latest and largest agreement to date will be highlighted as an example with interventions from the AfCFTA Secretariat, Regional Economic Communities (RECs), Customs administrations, and private sector.