Panel discussion 3: Building new Origin systems with a focus on mutual trust among stakeholders

8 Nov 2023 15:30 17:00
Andrea Cerda Moderator Subsecretaria De Relaciones Economicas Internacionales
John Mein Speaker Instituto Aliança PROCOMEX
Brian Staples Speaker Trade Facilitation Services
Badr MOUHCINE Speaker World Customs Organization
Xiaoxue Xu Speaker Shenzhen Customs District, China Customs
This session will present the challenges faced when moving towards multi changes: the implementation of new Free Trade Agreements, new IT systems, and new self-certification practices. The session will also focus on:
  • How to build trust when implementing new trade agreements, systems and practices
  • How to better achieve good and trustworthy communication to support changing practices and new agreements.
  • Implementing the approved exporters system based on Mutual recognition of Authorized Economic Operator (AEO)