Brian Staples PresidentTrade Facilitation Services

Brian Staples
Brian Staples is President of Trade Facilitation Services (TFS: ) an Ottawa- based consulting group, and has been providing a wide range of multinational clients with effective market access strategies and solutions for over 30 years. TFS services include technical trade fundamentals with a particular focus on rules of origin. in addition to resolving trade problems for private sector clients, he has also worked on a wide range of trade, customs and origin related technical assistance and capacity building development projects around the world. Mr. Staples is a longstanding member of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce and the International Chamber of Commerce Commission on Customs and Trade Facilitation. Mr. Staples is also the President of the Origin Experts Group (OEG: ), a software development company that provides public and private sector clients with leading-edge origin determination assistance tools.

Day 1: Wednesday 8 November 2023

Time Session
Brian Staples Speaker Trade Facilitation Services
Darlan MARTI Speaker World Trade Organization
Stefano Inama Speaker UNCTAD
Mariko Haga Speaker Minisitry of Finance, JAPAN
Andrea Cerda Moderator Subsecretaria De Relaciones Economicas Internacionales
John Mein Speaker Instituto Aliança PROCOMEX
Brian Staples Speaker Trade Facilitation Services
Badr MOUHCINE Speaker World Customs Organization
Xiaoxue Xu Speaker Shenzhen Customs District, China Customs