Rafael Marín Head of the North America, Central America and TheSUBREI

Rafael Marín
Mr. Rafael Marín Kohan is the Head of the Department of North America, Central America, and the Caribbean at the Undersecretariat of International Economic Affairs (SUBREI) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Chile. Between 2018 and 2022, he served as a legal advisor for the Market Access Department. In this role, he led negotiations on Rules of Origin and related origin procedures, representing Chile in trade negotiations processes with the European Union, India, EFTA, Ecuador, India, Trinidad and Tobago, Mercosur, and within the context of the Pacific Alliance with Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and Singapore, as well as in the administration of bilateral trade agreements and in plurilateral and multilateral forums. Rafael is a lawyer from the Faculty of Law at the University of Chile, graduating with the highest distinction. He has more than 7 years of experience working on issues related to International Trade in the government of Chile.

Day 2: Thursday 9 November 2023

Time Session
Mariko Haga Moderator Minisitry of Finance, JAPAN
Fachry Rozy Oemar Speaker Indonesia National Single Window Agency - Ministry of Finance of Indonesia
Rafael Marín Speaker SUBREI
Martin van der Weide Speaker Chamber of Commerce the Netherlands / ICC-WCF Paris