Panel Discussion 2: Utilization of Free Trade Agreements

8 Nov 2023 13:45 15:00
Brian Staples Speaker Trade Facilitation Services
Darlan MARTI Speaker World Trade Organization
Stefano Inama Speaker UNCTAD
Mariko Haga Speaker Minisitry of Finance, JAPAN

This session will talk about how rules of origin under trade agreements can function as a trade facilitation instrument or as a barrier to trade. It shall also explore the level of utilization of rules of origin within trade agreements by looking at data collection and research in this area. The session will also focus on the standardization of origin procedures and provisions and open reflection on how to contribute to better utilization.

  • Are rules of origin fit for purpose: trade barrier or trade facilitation?
  • Statistics, data, and research
  • Is there a room for standardization of origin procedures and provisions?