Darlan MARTI Secretary of the WTO Committee on Rules of OriginWorld Trade Organization

Darlan MARTI
Darlan F. MARTÍ is currently the Secretary of the Committee on Rules of Origin (CRO) of the World Trade Organization (WTO). As such, he supports all the activities of this Committee, on subjects related to preferential and non-preferential rules of origin. Darlan has worked since December 2009 in the Market Access Division of the WTO, and has had the opportunity to work on topics such as WTO schedules of concessions, customs duties, barriers non-tariff trade, NAMA negotiations, trade facilitation and other WTO disciplines governing the operation of customs. Previously, Darlan worked in the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and in the South Centre. Darlan is a Brazilian national and was educated at Harvard University, USA (Executive Education), University of Cambridge, UK (Master If Laws, LL.M) and the University of Grenoble, France (BA in international law).

Day 1: Wednesday 8 November 2023

Time Session
Brian Staples Speaker Trade Facilitation Services
Darlan MARTI Speaker World Trade Organization
Stefano Inama Speaker UNCTAD
Mariko Haga Speaker Minisitry of Finance, JAPAN

Day 2: Thursday 9 November 2023

Time Session
Gael GROOBY Moderator World Customs Organization
Darlan MARTI Speaker World Trade Organization
Demba SECK Speaker World Customs Organization
Martin van der Weide Speaker Chamber of Commerce the Netherlands / ICC-WCF Paris
Stefano Inama Speaker UNCTAD