Stefano Inama ChiefUNCTAD

Stefano Inama
Mr Stefano Inama is a Chief, Technical Assistance, in the Division on African and Least Developed Countries (LDCs), UNCTAD, Geneva, Switzerland. Mr. Inama possesses over 30 years of experience on trade and development issues matured advising Governments and private sector. He has designed and managed research and trade-related capacity building programs worldwide and at regional level in Asia, Africa, and Latin America, with a focus on trade and customs laws and policy, regulatory and institutional trade issues with a specialization on rules of origin and market access. He is the author of one of the most comprehensive analytical book on rules of origin as result of his experience in multilateral and regional trade negotiations advising Governments on how to design rules of origin and private sector on how to comply. (Rules of origin in International Trade, Cambridge University Press, first edition 2009, second edition 2022) and has co-authored ASEAN rules of origin: a way forward , Cambridge University Press 2015 as well as numerous articles and research papers in various magazine worldwide Mr. Inama represents UNCTAD at the Technical Committee on Rules of Origin (TCRO) established at the World Customs Organizations , at the Committee on Rules of Origin at WTO and most recently at the WCO Working group on the revision of annex K of the Kyoto convention. Mr. Inama holds Master’s and LLM degrees from the University of Bologna and College of Europe, Bruges, Belgium. He is Visiting Fellow at the Robert Schuman center for advances studies at the European University Institute and a member of the faculty of the ASEAN integration through at Center of International Law of Singapore and has been Visiting Lecturer at the Columbia University, the World Trade Institute, Master in International Law and Economics, M.I.L.E. and at IELPO International Economic law and Policy. 

Day 1: Wednesday 8 November 2023

Time Session
Brian Staples Speaker Trade Facilitation Services
Darlan MARTI Speaker World Trade Organization
Stefano Inama Speaker UNCTAD
Mariko Haga Speaker Minisitry of Finance, JAPAN

Day 2: Thursday 9 November 2023

Time Session
Gael GROOBY Moderator World Customs Organization
Darlan MARTI Speaker World Trade Organization
Demba SECK Speaker World Customs Organization
Martin van der Weide Speaker Chamber of Commerce the Netherlands / ICC-WCF Paris
Stefano Inama Speaker UNCTAD